YES, another step to achieve my new year resolution.
Not a six figure yet but it will be eventually. By then, I can cross the new year resolution.
Had the mid week PDT and it's pretty interesting guest speaker , one of them is Jack Daly ( . He mentioned that if you want to achieve any goal , the simplest step you can take is "PUT IT IN WRITING" . I found out this is so TRUE...... what I did write last year and I achieved it.
I guessed when you writing it , you kinda put some effort and commitment towards it! It gives you a direction on what you should do. He said the next step will be break into the small little action that you can measure on with specific deadlines.
Deadlines is a MAD key word in all corporate history , do you know WHY?
Without it , ppl won't have sense of urgency and just take their time. In the environment where all been measured by profit and cost , it just doesn't add up if you work without deadlines.
Imagine this happens :
You've been given 3months to finish the assignment , what most ppl will do ?
I bet you know the answer , waited for 2 1/2 month before started to look into it. How's inefficient ?
If you have only 1day to finish it , you'll definitely start it ASAP.
I always think that my life is my own corporation. I am running my own so-called "board of director" as to what I will decide in my life . I created my own sense of urgency and deadlines on achieving my goals.
Itu sih minta dielus, tapi malah digampar
6 years ago