Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another New Year Resolution

I guessed it's never too late to make NY resolution although 1mth into the year already.

Here's my list:

"Always try to make mistake on the first strike - so that I can learn Not to make another one"

"Be conscious around yourself"

"Don't take it anything for GRANTED" - I think I really have to commit on it, I don't want to lose someone without being able to tell them how important they are in my life.

Those I really want to be my foremost NY resolution!!!!! * finger cross *

My planned "wish-list" for 2008 :

1. Got another promotion by mid-year
2. Got myself a decent apartment/house either here or Indo ( AMEN!! )
3. Help out my brother studying in Taiwan

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Small update

Most searched keyword today in Google " Heath Ledger"

Y ? Because He's dead.

Most searched keyword everyday in MyMind " What should I do? "

Y ? Because I'm not sure..............I'm in Limbo

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back to the "future"

Back to sydney this morning , what a chaotic airport !!

It takes me 1 hours to clear immigration and custom plus another 15mins wait for the taxi .
